About Establishment

Yemen's name has been associated with coffee for centuries, especially with the city of Al-Makha (Mocha), which served as the starting point for the spread of this beverage's fame to the world. Its name also is associated with "Mocha" in minds of many people,
referring to the city and port of Al-Makha, which played a key role in the export of Yemeni coffee.
Countries that cultivate coffee possess great wealth and are known as the "coffee belt" since coffee can only be grown in 38 countries, including Yemen
وتحتضن أرضنا السعيدة أشهر أنواع البن في العالم “البن اليمني” وتعود شهرته الى جودته العالمية كونه ينمو في تضاريس جبلية تمنحه مذاقاً مميزاً.

From the beginning, we have followed a clear approach at our establishment focused on producing the highest quality coffee at the best price.
وكون البن جوهر عملنا نأخذ في الاعتبار كل ما سيتم انتاجه ابتداءً من جلب حبوب البن من أجود المزارع ووصولاً إلى تصديره وتعزيز مكانته على مستوى العالم.

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